About the Passionists

Bringing Hope and Compassion to a Hurting World…


St. Paul of the Cross Devotional Garden

A statue of St. Paul of the Cross, founder of the Passionists, in the retreat center’s devotional garden.

About the Passionists

The Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ or the “Passionists” is a Catholic Religious Order of Pontifical Right. It is composed of priests, brothers, nuns, sisters and laity who proclaim God’s love for the world revealed through the Passion of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1720, today we continue to carry a message of compassion and hope to 61 countries throughout the world.

We seek the unity of our lives and our apostolate in the Passion of Jesus. His Passion reveals the power of God which penetrates the world, destroying the power of evil and building up the Kingdom of God. Since we have been called to unite ourselves to the life and mission of Him who “emptied Himself taking the form of a servant” ( Phil 2:7 ), we contemplate Christ through persevering prayer. By giving His life for us He reveals God’s love for all people, and shows the path they must follow as they make their way towards the Father. Faithfulness to this contemplation enables us to show forth His love more fully, and to help others offer their lives in Christ to the Father.

We express our participation in the Passion by a special vow, which is at once personal, communitarian, and apostolic. Through this vow we bind ourselves to keep alive the memory of the Passion of Christ. By word and deed we strive to foster awareness of its meaning and value for each person and for the life of the world. By this vow our Congregation takes her place in the Church so as to dedicate herself fully to its mission. In the light of this, we seek to incorporate this vow into our daily lives by living the evangelical counsels. Then, as we relive the memory of the Passion of Christ today, our communities become a leaven of salvation in the Church and in the world.