Tips for Promoters

Retreatant reflecting in the garden.

  • Please take our request for carpooling seriously.
    • The monastery parking lot is essentially for the people who worship at the monastery Church each weekend. If we retreatants take up too many spaces in the monastery lot, where can the members of the monastery community park. Thus, each Friday a chain will be extended across the monastery lot. Please park only on the side of the chain bordering St. Martin Street.
    • Being able to park only on one side of the parking lot means there won’t actually be room for all the cars retreatants have been bringing to the weekends. This makes carpooling whenever possible very, very important. For many retreatants who come to retreat straight from work or live at a distance, carpooling isn’t possible, but when it is possible, please carpool.
    • As many as eight cars can park along the right side of St. Paul Street. If you park there, try to leave the spots open in front of people’s homes. The bright lights from the retreat house parking lot will shine down on the cars on St. Paul Street Please pass this request on to all your retreatants.
  • Begin your promotion team meetings four months in advance of your retreat date. You’ll be glad you did. It will make your promotion work easier, more enjoyable, and most likely more productive.
  • Include, if possible, men and women of different age groups on your promotion team.
  • Use your Promoters Handbooks often when you prepare for your promotion team meetings and for reference during your team meetings. It is a good idea to keep your Handbook in a place where you might sometimes pick it up for some casual reading.
  • Review first the tactics that worked well this past year; then briefly recall tactics that seemed a waste of effort. Let these be a guide for your current strategy.
  • Make your Retreat Invitation List as long as possible. Please do not rely solely on the lists of prospects you have from former years; these are only a start. Get every one on your team to use his or her imagination for new prospects. Team members can choose which prospects each one will personally contact.
  • Remind retreatants that they can now register for retreats by e-mail: [email protected]
  • Three Expectations of Promoters and Co-promoters: The Promotion Committee would like to communicate three specific items that we expect all Promoters and Co-promoters will abide by:
    • Promoters and co-promoters will work with a promotion team;
    • Promoters and/or Co-promoters will attend one of the Promotion Workshops offered annually by the Promotion Committee;
    • Either the Promoter or Co-promoter (or a designate) will provide an e-mail address to facilitate communication to and from the Promotion Committee.
  • Members of the Promotion Committee will chair each weekend. Either by phone or e-mail, they will contact promoters several times in the months preceding each parish or retreat group’s weekend. This contact is intended to provide whatever support promoters might need in preparing for their upcoming weekends.

This beautiful life size promotional banner available to borrow. Please contact the Retreat Center office by phone (412-381-7676) or email ([email protected]) to reserve the banner

Life sized promotion banner.