Author Archives: Fr. Gerald Laba

Reflections for Summer / Fall 2019

Dear Friends, In the last issue of the Newsletter I referred to themes that are so central to who we are that they transcend time and season ~ the themes of hope, promise, light, and peace. As I write to you at this time, I want to highlight another theme that is essential to who…

Reflections for Winter / Spring / Summer 2019

Dear Friends, Even though in our faith life and culture we might highlight a particular theme at certain times of the year, some themes are so central to who we are that they transcend time and season. Such are the themes of hope, promise, light, and peace. All of sacred Scripture invites us to trust…

Reflections for Summer / Fall 2018

Dear Friends, The Scriptures remind us that we have been called to experience the fullness of life that God offers to us in ways that are both unique and personal. A wonderful summary of this message, that God has chosen us in Christ, is expressed eloquently in the first chapter of St. Paul’s Letter to…

Reflections for Winter / Spring / Summer 2018

Dear Friends of the Retreat Center, In a recent letter sent to all of our retreatants, I referred to a painting that depicts a rural scene in autumn. Using rich earth tones and fields of gold and bronze, the artist created a scene that conveys a sense of the harmony and peace that we so…

Reflections for Summer/Fall 2017: The Gifts of Pentecost

Dear Friends of the Retreat Center, With the coming of the Holy Spirit, the first followers of Jesus experienced an extraordinary outpouring of gifts that has continued to bless our faith community to this day. As we begin a new retreat season, I want to invite you to think about how these gifts are meant…

We Remember Mr. Henry Caruso

Over the years our Retreat Center family was blessed by the presence of Henry Caruso and by the exceptional gifts that he shared with all of us. Henry served as our music director and as a member of our retreat team for the past eleven years, contributing many talents and gifts to our weekend retreats…

Reflections for Spring/Summer 2017: Come Unto Christ

Dear Friends, This past summer I had the opportunity to watch some of the events of World Youth Day hosted in the beautiful city of Krakow. It was inspiring to witness the participation of so many young women and men from around the world drawn together by their faith and by a desire to grow…